
Course Selection

Graduation Requirements

4 Years of English

3 Years of Mathematics 

3 Years of Science (Including 2 Laboratory Courses)

3 Years of Social Studies (Including 2 Years of US History)

2 Years of World Language (Class of 2027 and future graduating classes)

4 Semesters of Physical Education

1 Semester of Health/Wellness

8.5 Credits of Electives 

All students must also earn passing scores on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exams in English Language Arts, Mathematics.  

Academic Supports, Strategies and Skills

In addition to these strategies and resources, you can also connect with your School Counselor to discuss academics and to brainstorm 

helpful ideas!

WHS Extra Help

Teachers are regularly available after school to provide additional support for students who need help in classes. Students should arrange 

extra-help sessions ahead of time with their teachers and be prepared with specific things they would like to work on.

WHS National Honor Society (NHS) Tutoring

Students may sign up for free peer-to-peer tutoring by members of the National Honor Society. You can work with your School Counselor to request a tutor. 

After School Program With CSS

General after school support is available for students who need help getting work done or just want a quiet place to complete assignments.  

CSS staff is available for the After School Program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.